TRULY HEAL FROM A TOXIC RELATIONSHIP! Heal From Mental, Emotional, & Narcissistic Abuse
Learn the exact tools to heal from a toxic, narcissistic, or manipulative relationship and how to attract HEALTHY LOVE & RELATIONSHIPS!
Think you may be in a Toxic Relationship or with a Manipulator?
Do you feel unable to get on with your life after being with a toxic or highly, manipulative person?
Do you feel confused all the time like you don’t know up from down?
Does this person always argue with everything you say, even you feelings or perspective?
Does the Toxic person make everything your fault and takes zero responsibility?
Think you may have been love-bombed?
#1-5 are signs that you have been manipulated and/or abused.
This in-depth course will help you heal from Emotional, Psychological, and/or Narcissistic Abuse so that you can get a healthy, loving relationship.
Signs of being with a Toxic or Narcissistic Partner:
felt so loved, seen, and heard at the beginning of the relationship
somewhere along the way “they changed” and became disrespectful, controlling, and or abusive
plays a role to get what they want
felt used, like your needs and wants didn’t matter
your limits and boundaries are not respected
actions never match words
kept hurting you and couldn’t or wouldn’t stop
never take responsibility for how they hurt you or their issues
when you confront them, they play the victim or turn it all back around on to you
acted entitled to get their needs met even though they treat you badly
exhibit very low or zero level of care for other's feelings or needs
show little or if any remorse when they hurt you
avoids vulnerability and honesty
gaslight, lies, manipulates to get what they want
acts one way at home and in public acts like the perfect partner
Do you feel like you’ve lost yourself and don’t know where to start on your healing journey?
I have been there!! I know all too well the utter confusion, feeling lost, and feeling like you’ll never recover from ALL you have endured!!
I am here to tell you YOU CAN!
Start Rebuilding Your Life After a Toxic or Narcissistic Relationship with this course!
Be free from the abusive ex and be DONE with that relationship for good!!
How to do No Contact PROPERLY!
20 pages of tools to help you heal and re-invent yourself
What happened to you
Why it happened to you
How to begin to recover and heal
Multi options to heal using Art, Writing, and Movement
Discover yourself
Tools to bust through Cognitive Dissonance
how to validate and empathize with all you've been through
how to handle triggers
know the difference between a trigger and a feeling
connect to your Inner Self
connect to your body
how to trust yourself again
how to be there for yourself
how to process your feelings and connect to your Authentic Self
Get a MAP for healing!
This course is self-paced and helps you to recover and Heal on Every Level!
Become Stronger than ever before, stay away from the Toxic ex or Narcissist for good, and never tolerate toxic relationships again!
Loving a Highly Narcissistic Person or Narcissist destroys your self-respect, worth, and Life!
People can spend years trying to move on and figure out what happened to them… wasting money on therapy and NEVER getting anywhere!
I was in this very position. I loved someone who kept hurting me and wouldn't stop.
Therapy did NOT help. The therapist had no idea he was so Narcissistic and he convinced her that he really loved me!!
I felt broken and barely able to function after a decade-long relationship to a Covert Narcissist.
The fallout from the Psychological and Emotional abuse created endless confusion, heartbreak, and feeling like I barely even existed.
Trauma bonded and addicted to him, I was determined to heal and rebuild myself no matter how long it took. I knew somewhere deep inside of me that I deserved better and that my kids did too!
Sadly, the effects of being lied to, tricked, deceived, and manipulated don't just "GO AWAY" no matter how many tears we cry or prayers we pray. We must find our wounds and go within to Heal. If we don't, we will continue to tolerate poor behavior and never know our inherent worth or our value.
In this course, I teach you the tools that I used to heal, move on, and STAY GONE and how I became Hoover Proof!
—Anyone who is ready to heal.
—Anyone who is affected by a Toxic, Controlling, Narcissistic relationship, or experiencing Emotional and Psychological Abuse, or has a history of Abusive Relationships
—This course involves journaling.
—Anyone who is not willing to go within and learn about yourself.
—If you want to “instantly” heal.
—If you hate self-reflecting.
**Yes, you will feel better, but Healing is NEVER Instant. It truly is a PROCESS and True Healing takes time. It's an INVESTMENT IN YOURSELF.
INDEPTH COURSE [Worth $997 easily!]
The Course- 4 Lessons of in-depth inner work, 80+ pages long.
In-depth journaling guide so that you can find WHY you attracted the Toxic ex
20+ tools so that you can heal on every level (included in the course)
A private Whats App group so that you can get support and ask any questions with direct access to me.. INVALUABLE for 30 days.
BONUS- Video Vault (hours of support and tools)
BONUS- Get Instant Respect pdf
BONUS- Guide to manage and deal with your feelings
You’ll get Instructions and then be emailed to get Online Course Access.
(this is not a download. this is an online course).
Directions- After purchasing, look for the email login instructions for your course. I will email you login instructions.
Your Coaching session must be used within 30 days.
Learn the exact tools to heal from a toxic, narcissistic, or manipulative relationship and how to attract HEALTHY LOVE & RELATIONSHIPS!
Think you may be in a Toxic Relationship or with a Manipulator?
Do you feel unable to get on with your life after being with a toxic or highly, manipulative person?
Do you feel confused all the time like you don’t know up from down?
Does this person always argue with everything you say, even you feelings or perspective?
Does the Toxic person make everything your fault and takes zero responsibility?
Think you may have been love-bombed?
#1-5 are signs that you have been manipulated and/or abused.
This in-depth course will help you heal from Emotional, Psychological, and/or Narcissistic Abuse so that you can get a healthy, loving relationship.
Signs of being with a Toxic or Narcissistic Partner:
felt so loved, seen, and heard at the beginning of the relationship
somewhere along the way “they changed” and became disrespectful, controlling, and or abusive
plays a role to get what they want
felt used, like your needs and wants didn’t matter
your limits and boundaries are not respected
actions never match words
kept hurting you and couldn’t or wouldn’t stop
never take responsibility for how they hurt you or their issues
when you confront them, they play the victim or turn it all back around on to you
acted entitled to get their needs met even though they treat you badly
exhibit very low or zero level of care for other's feelings or needs
show little or if any remorse when they hurt you
avoids vulnerability and honesty
gaslight, lies, manipulates to get what they want
acts one way at home and in public acts like the perfect partner
Do you feel like you’ve lost yourself and don’t know where to start on your healing journey?
I have been there!! I know all too well the utter confusion, feeling lost, and feeling like you’ll never recover from ALL you have endured!!
I am here to tell you YOU CAN!
Start Rebuilding Your Life After a Toxic or Narcissistic Relationship with this course!
Be free from the abusive ex and be DONE with that relationship for good!!
How to do No Contact PROPERLY!
20 pages of tools to help you heal and re-invent yourself
What happened to you
Why it happened to you
How to begin to recover and heal
Multi options to heal using Art, Writing, and Movement
Discover yourself
Tools to bust through Cognitive Dissonance
how to validate and empathize with all you've been through
how to handle triggers
know the difference between a trigger and a feeling
connect to your Inner Self
connect to your body
how to trust yourself again
how to be there for yourself
how to process your feelings and connect to your Authentic Self
Get a MAP for healing!
This course is self-paced and helps you to recover and Heal on Every Level!
Become Stronger than ever before, stay away from the Toxic ex or Narcissist for good, and never tolerate toxic relationships again!
Loving a Highly Narcissistic Person or Narcissist destroys your self-respect, worth, and Life!
People can spend years trying to move on and figure out what happened to them… wasting money on therapy and NEVER getting anywhere!
I was in this very position. I loved someone who kept hurting me and wouldn't stop.
Therapy did NOT help. The therapist had no idea he was so Narcissistic and he convinced her that he really loved me!!
I felt broken and barely able to function after a decade-long relationship to a Covert Narcissist.
The fallout from the Psychological and Emotional abuse created endless confusion, heartbreak, and feeling like I barely even existed.
Trauma bonded and addicted to him, I was determined to heal and rebuild myself no matter how long it took. I knew somewhere deep inside of me that I deserved better and that my kids did too!
Sadly, the effects of being lied to, tricked, deceived, and manipulated don't just "GO AWAY" no matter how many tears we cry or prayers we pray. We must find our wounds and go within to Heal. If we don't, we will continue to tolerate poor behavior and never know our inherent worth or our value.
In this course, I teach you the tools that I used to heal, move on, and STAY GONE and how I became Hoover Proof!
—Anyone who is ready to heal.
—Anyone who is affected by a Toxic, Controlling, Narcissistic relationship, or experiencing Emotional and Psychological Abuse, or has a history of Abusive Relationships
—This course involves journaling.
—Anyone who is not willing to go within and learn about yourself.
—If you want to “instantly” heal.
—If you hate self-reflecting.
**Yes, you will feel better, but Healing is NEVER Instant. It truly is a PROCESS and True Healing takes time. It's an INVESTMENT IN YOURSELF.
INDEPTH COURSE [Worth $997 easily!]
The Course- 4 Lessons of in-depth inner work, 80+ pages long.
In-depth journaling guide so that you can find WHY you attracted the Toxic ex
20+ tools so that you can heal on every level (included in the course)
A private Whats App group so that you can get support and ask any questions with direct access to me.. INVALUABLE for 30 days.
BONUS- Video Vault (hours of support and tools)
BONUS- Get Instant Respect pdf
BONUS- Guide to manage and deal with your feelings
You’ll get Instructions and then be emailed to get Online Course Access.
(this is not a download. this is an online course).
Directions- After purchasing, look for the email login instructions for your course. I will email you login instructions.
Your Coaching session must be used within 30 days.
Learn the exact tools to heal from a toxic, narcissistic, or manipulative relationship and how to attract HEALTHY LOVE & RELATIONSHIPS!
Think you may be in a Toxic Relationship or with a Manipulator?
Do you feel unable to get on with your life after being with a toxic or highly, manipulative person?
Do you feel confused all the time like you don’t know up from down?
Does this person always argue with everything you say, even you feelings or perspective?
Does the Toxic person make everything your fault and takes zero responsibility?
Think you may have been love-bombed?
#1-5 are signs that you have been manipulated and/or abused.
This in-depth course will help you heal from Emotional, Psychological, and/or Narcissistic Abuse so that you can get a healthy, loving relationship.
Signs of being with a Toxic or Narcissistic Partner:
felt so loved, seen, and heard at the beginning of the relationship
somewhere along the way “they changed” and became disrespectful, controlling, and or abusive
plays a role to get what they want
felt used, like your needs and wants didn’t matter
your limits and boundaries are not respected
actions never match words
kept hurting you and couldn’t or wouldn’t stop
never take responsibility for how they hurt you or their issues
when you confront them, they play the victim or turn it all back around on to you
acted entitled to get their needs met even though they treat you badly
exhibit very low or zero level of care for other's feelings or needs
show little or if any remorse when they hurt you
avoids vulnerability and honesty
gaslight, lies, manipulates to get what they want
acts one way at home and in public acts like the perfect partner
Do you feel like you’ve lost yourself and don’t know where to start on your healing journey?
I have been there!! I know all too well the utter confusion, feeling lost, and feeling like you’ll never recover from ALL you have endured!!
I am here to tell you YOU CAN!
Start Rebuilding Your Life After a Toxic or Narcissistic Relationship with this course!
Be free from the abusive ex and be DONE with that relationship for good!!
How to do No Contact PROPERLY!
20 pages of tools to help you heal and re-invent yourself
What happened to you
Why it happened to you
How to begin to recover and heal
Multi options to heal using Art, Writing, and Movement
Discover yourself
Tools to bust through Cognitive Dissonance
how to validate and empathize with all you've been through
how to handle triggers
know the difference between a trigger and a feeling
connect to your Inner Self
connect to your body
how to trust yourself again
how to be there for yourself
how to process your feelings and connect to your Authentic Self
Get a MAP for healing!
This course is self-paced and helps you to recover and Heal on Every Level!
Become Stronger than ever before, stay away from the Toxic ex or Narcissist for good, and never tolerate toxic relationships again!
Loving a Highly Narcissistic Person or Narcissist destroys your self-respect, worth, and Life!
People can spend years trying to move on and figure out what happened to them… wasting money on therapy and NEVER getting anywhere!
I was in this very position. I loved someone who kept hurting me and wouldn't stop.
Therapy did NOT help. The therapist had no idea he was so Narcissistic and he convinced her that he really loved me!!
I felt broken and barely able to function after a decade-long relationship to a Covert Narcissist.
The fallout from the Psychological and Emotional abuse created endless confusion, heartbreak, and feeling like I barely even existed.
Trauma bonded and addicted to him, I was determined to heal and rebuild myself no matter how long it took. I knew somewhere deep inside of me that I deserved better and that my kids did too!
Sadly, the effects of being lied to, tricked, deceived, and manipulated don't just "GO AWAY" no matter how many tears we cry or prayers we pray. We must find our wounds and go within to Heal. If we don't, we will continue to tolerate poor behavior and never know our inherent worth or our value.
In this course, I teach you the tools that I used to heal, move on, and STAY GONE and how I became Hoover Proof!
—Anyone who is ready to heal.
—Anyone who is affected by a Toxic, Controlling, Narcissistic relationship, or experiencing Emotional and Psychological Abuse, or has a history of Abusive Relationships
—This course involves journaling.
—Anyone who is not willing to go within and learn about yourself.
—If you want to “instantly” heal.
—If you hate self-reflecting.
**Yes, you will feel better, but Healing is NEVER Instant. It truly is a PROCESS and True Healing takes time. It's an INVESTMENT IN YOURSELF.
INDEPTH COURSE [Worth $997 easily!]
The Course- 4 Lessons of in-depth inner work, 80+ pages long.
In-depth journaling guide so that you can find WHY you attracted the Toxic ex
20+ tools so that you can heal on every level (included in the course)
A private Whats App group so that you can get support and ask any questions with direct access to me.. INVALUABLE for 30 days.
BONUS- Video Vault (hours of support and tools)
BONUS- Get Instant Respect pdf
BONUS- Guide to manage and deal with your feelings