About me

I’ve been there…

I’m a recovered nice girl, people-pleaser, and perfectionist….

always being “good,” putting others before myself, never rocking the boat, or speaking up.

I thought that being loved and married would fill up the emptiness and loneliness inside of me.

Well, I was wrong.

I worked so damn hard for love and attention ….but no matter how hard I worked, or did things the “right way,” I never felt seen, heard, secure, or loved.

It turned out that I was with a manipulative, Hot and Cold, Narcissistic guy for almost 10 years.

I poured all of my love and care into our one-sided relationship, always accommodating, being compliant, and putting him first…hoping that if I gave my all, he would step up.

But all he gave was crumbs! I was stuck in a cycle of chasing after him for love and attention and then when I was ready to let go, he would suddenly show up and “act right.”

He was so afraid and insecure that it didn’t matter how much I loved him and our family, he just wasn’t capable of seeing me or giving me the healthy love I desired. Walking away from the man who I thought was “my person,” was one of the most painful, agonizing, and defining moments of my life….

I healed from our relationship and chose myself for the first time, moving toward my desires meant facing all of my fears.

It wasn’t until I learned this secret to having an amazing, secure relationship and loving myself, flaws and all, that everything changed!!


Get The Real Love & Dream
Relationship You Desire!
Goodbye Exhaustion, Fear, & Loneliness… Hello Energy, Self-Respect, & Love!


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    If you find yourself chasing after love,

    begging for attention,

    always anxious and insecure,

    or walking away from the relationship that you thought was going to be your forever,

    You are not alone.

    You can learn how to feel truly worthy and deserving, and know to your core, “I’m priceless!”

    NEVER again have to work hard, chase, or beg for what you want. Or settle for a love that’s less than you deserve!!

    If I can do it, then I know you can too!

    When you truly love and feel secure in yourself - ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE!

    You can create the love and life you deeply desire, feel good in your own skin, and know your worth.

    I’ll show you how. I can help you identify what’s blocking you from the close, connected, and secure love you deeply desire!

    Just write to me here and I’ll be in touch asap!


    Coach Phoenix