How I Overcame Perfectionism & Found My True Self

Becoming Badass Podcast Ep #12

how to be you
how to overcome perfectionism

The terrifying leap from perfectionism to authenticity is HUGE. It can be done since I have done it. It was not easy, by a long shot, but the freedom I feel now and the ease and grace with which I live my life is effortless.

Living as a perfectionist was the start opposite… 100% effort and struggle.

Perfectionism can run and ruin our lives. By becoming more self-aware of how it's negatively affecting us, learning to speak kinder and more compassionately to ourselves, and adjusting our own impossible expectations and standards, we can start slowly letting go of the need to control and have things perfect. We can start living for ourselves instead of letting fear run our lives.

Perfectionism is often a strategy rooted in fear—a fear of rejection, abandonment, and not being approved by others. This fear cloaks itself as a need to control every aspect of our lives to meet impossible standards. But living this way is exhausting and inevitably unfulfilling.

You don't have to strive for perfection anymore. There is a MUCH better way, an easier way that will bring peace, joy, and happiness back into your life. 


In this episode you’ll hear: 

  • What perfectionism is really about

  • The steep price we pay for perfectionism

  • How I overcame perfectionism and how it still rears its ugly head now

  • Start healing your perfectionism by using this valuable and powerful Tool

  • Learn how to go from perfectionist to believing in yourself so that you can let go of the need for control



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Listen To The Full Episode:


#1 Mistake That Keeps You From Being Loved And Accepted


Stop People Pleasing and Be Unapologetically YOU!