Be The Hero Of Your Own Story By Questioning Everything!

Becoming Badass Podcast Ep #14

In society, we're often conditioned to please others and conform to roles—like the "good girl," the "supportive partner," or the "dedicated mother." But what if we could break free from what others expect from us, stop please-peopling our way through life, and start pleasing ourselves!!

Doing anything “new” is stepping outside your comfort zone. And that ain’t easy. It requires feeling the fear and doing it anyway. If you’ve been waiting on outside permission or approval to do what you’ve been longing to do or to be your true self, you’re probably going to be waiting a looonnnng time!

When you become curious and start questioning everything…. your habits and the way you do things, your whole life begins to shift! You just may start to realize that the reason that you’re doing everything is because you think it’s the “right way” or just what “you’re supposed to do,” and it’s not really from you at all!

When you start questioning your daily choices about why you do what you do and the reasons behind how you’re living your life, you’ll have so many amazing realizations! By understanding your patterns and why you do everything that you do, you can start making choices that reflect who you truly are and take back control of your life.

As you start living a life that serves you, you start living for yourself, not for safety or to make others happy. This is when you truly start living, focusing now on the things that make you happy and what makes you feel good instead of pleasing, giving, and helping, which is only serving others.

As you become number 1 in your life, you start to go after real love, amazing life, and all the juicy things that you thought were beyond your reach when you were just surviving!

Are You Ready To Be Loved And Adored For Who You Really Are?


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    In this episode you’ll hear: 

    • I share why I cut my long hair and the huge transformation it created.

    • Stop waiting for permission or approval from others to do what you long to do or be who your #trueself!

    • Your desires: the loving, close, connected relationship and the fulfilling life you want are outside of your comfort zone.

    • We must be willing to feel fear and do it anyway.

    • Break free from #peoplepleasing by questioning everything!

    • Ask why you do what you do and how you do it.

    • Confronting your fear and doing what your soul is telling you to do will lead to FREEDOM!

    • How to choose growth and stay motivated.


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