End the Push Pull Dynamic in Relationships

End the push pull in relationships and take back control like this!

I’m sharing my 4 methods I have personally used to take control of my life and my power back!

This method will work whether the person you are dealing with is unavailable, toxic, manipulative or abusive.

Want more Tools on How Take Your Power Back?


    In An Abusive Relationship….

    Do you feel ignored, controlled, dismissed, deminished, or demeaned?

    If you do…its time to take a closer look at emotional abuse, covert abuse, and control to name a few and figure out what has been happening to you.

    Knowledge is power!!

    As you wake up and open your eyes to what has been right in front of you, you can being to step out of the cage that your so-called “loved one” has locked you in.

    There are 3 phases: The Love Bombing Stage, The Devalue Stage, and the Discard Stage.

    The Devaluation phase in an abusive “relationship" is hell simply put. Their deafening silent treatment or withholding of your basic needs is done on purpose to punish you and try to make you act “right",” aka the way the abuser thinks you’re supposed to act.

    “According to researchers, some of these forms of withholding can actually activate the same parts of the brain as those that register physical pain. In other words, being callously ignored… dote on others in front of you can be akin to being sucker-punched in the face. This demand-withdraw pattern in relationships can cause victims to exert their efforts in trying to make their partner behave differently, only leading to fruitless efforts and further frustration.” Shahida Arabi, MA

    It is ESSENTIAL you learn how to take your power back no matter what the abuser is or isnt doing!! Because when you have your power - there is nothing that you cannot do!!

    And there will always be toxic (and stupid) people everywhere you go!

    I don’t hold anything back in the video. Check it out!

    Please leave me a comment on youtube! Lemme know what you think and any light bulb moments you have.


    From People Pleasing to Finding True Happiness!


    How to Stop People Pleasing Everyone!