Find Your Soul Purpose to Find True Happiness and Fulfilllment!

Becoming Badass Podcast Ep #8

how to find your purpose and passion in life

After years of searching for my passion and purpose and I felt lost and confused... but eventually I figured it out. Here are my secrets to helping you find your purpose!

Feel lost and confused when it comes to finding your passion or purpose? The tradtional advice of, "Go to school, get a good job, get married, and raise a family" make most of use feel unfulfileld and very UNHAPPY! So finding your own path and then having the courage to stay the course even though you feel doubt, uncertainty, and go against the crowd - THAT TAKES REAL GUTS!

I'm here to tell you - STOP LOOKING FOR HAPPINESS and "your passion" and instead start finding your purpose by using my EASY tips in this episode. 

I never felt true joy and fulfillment until I started on the path to my purpose! And when I started doing what I was created to do...helping others... I finally started finding, not only my passion, but also started creating true fulfillment and joy internally... that is untouched by outside circumstances and people!!

Discovering your purpose is a journey of self-exploration that transcends societal expectations. Connect with your true self to uncover your passions, embrace the journey, and trust yourself amidst uncertainty. Your purpose is a lifelong adventure that transforms your life and those around you. Step into your role as the main character of your life and let your purpose guide you to a more meaningful existence.

Lets discuss.


In this episode you’ll hear: 

  • Learn the baby steps to finding your purpose (and passion!)

  • Start listening to your inner voice and wisdom

  • What you need to do consistently to find your purpose

  • How living your purpose TRULY creates your best life!


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