Dear Sensitive Person, what you need to know

If you are sensitive and empathic, you may even be an Empath or HSP, you most likely have amazing gifts and those gifts can be exploited!

They are people who need to protect their energy and master boundaries. If they don’t know how to do this than they may be attracting Toxic people into their lives where they will feel used and damaged.

20% of the population are Empaths. This may be why you feel so different from everyone else. Why the things that bother you, like the news or seeing animals neglected or children hurt can ruin not only your day but you feel the hurt physically! It may be why you feel your fiends sadness or why you can’t help but give money to a homeless person. It may also be why you avoid the news and need a lot of time to yourself to recharge. It may be the reason why you just know things and you don’t know why and 99% of the time you’re right!

If you’re highly sensitive or a HSP’s, you can easily feel overstimulated, drained, stretched thin and ready to explode due to not monitoring their environment, triggers, and the people they allow into their lives. Noticing what things in your environment like bright lights, strong smells, clutter, loud noises, scratchy clothes, and crowds can all effect you negatively. You may get triggered and go off or shut down without even noticing.


    Empaths Can Attract Toxic Relationships

    But once you start saying, “No,” a lot and start being selfish, those toxic people in your life will start getting frustrated and will go find someone else to drain!

    Listen to 5 more tips to get the most out of your relationships. You have alot to give and can be greatly effected by toxic relationships.

    Listen to learn what you need to know to nurture good relationships and prevent falling into bad relationships!!

    Always Be Mindful

    That’s why being aware of what bothers you, limiting these things in your life, and walking away when other’s won’t respect the things your limits will not only save your sanity and your self respect!

    And on the opposite end, purposely playing relaxing sounds, using essential oils, letting the sun shine into your home, organizing the clutter, and avoiding crowds, to name a few, will go a huge way to replenish your energy and nourish you!

    Learn yourself!

    Know what bothers you and your limits and tell your loved ones! You deserve happiness and peace just as much as anyone else.

    Protect and prioritize your own peace and happiness. No one else is going to.


    Detect Unavailable and Toxic People EASILY


    Being Alone on the Holidays & Special Occasions